Mafi Agbadzikofe to Build a Social Center

Mafi Agbadzikofe to build a social center with a clinic, market, recreational center, a warehouse, and a research facility.

Mafi Agbadzikofe to Build a Social Center

The Mafi Agbadzikofe in the Central Tongu District has officially launched a fundraising campaign to build a social center on Saturday, December 2024.

This center will provide a space for residents to gather and discuss initiatives promoting community development. The social center will include essential facilities such as a clinic, market, recreation center, warehouse, research center, and more.

The guest speaker for the occasion, Hon. Alexander Gabby Roosevelt Hotordze, the Member of Parliament for Central Tongu, expressed his strong personal connection to the project, stating that it aligns with his long-held dream of advancing his community.

He shared, “It has always been my greatest desire to promote the development of the community to acceptable standards.”

Hon. Alexander Hotordze assured the community that the incoming government would help bring the project to fruition because it aligns with the next government’s policies. “Government would supply all the needed materials for the completion of this project.”

The member of parliament also noted that the social center will serve its environs and other communities.

Great Mission International is partnering with the community to build the social center. The non-profit organization supported the fundraising launch by providing essential items such as chairs, canopies, food, and other materials needed for the event.

In an interview with Mr. John Nyavor, the founder of Great Mission International, he expressed his full support for the project, highlighting the importance of the social center, which will include a clinic, market, playground for children, and other essential facilities.

He also appealed to other organizations to contribute to the community’s development in any way possible, encouraging potential sponsors to donate materials such as cement, building supplies, or anything else they can offer.

According to Pastor Stephen Mawuli Gakpe, a member of the planning committee, the social center will create job opportunities for the youth and contribute to the development of Mafi Agbadzikofe.

Pastor Gakpe further explained how the center will generate employment for local residents, with positions to manage the warehouse, clinic, and other facilities. He also highlighted that the research center within the social center will provide opportunities for teachers and other workers from surrounding communities to conduct research related to their work.

Facilities in the Social Center

The social center in Mafi Agbadzikofe will include:

  • Public Health Education unit
  • Research Centre for Cultural, educational, and farming activities
  • Aged entertainment unit
  • Children’s playground
  • Creative and Artspace
  • Three Conference Halls to be named after some noble personalities
  • Sports facilities: Volleyball court,  football field and long tennis court
  • Supermarket (farmers market)
  • Environmental Protection Unit Services
  • Warehouse/Cold Store
  • 8 guest rooms
  • Public toilet
  • Community farms (fish pond, poultry, vegetable farm, cassava farm

Speech by Hon. Alexander Gabby Roosevelt Hotordze


I find it a great privilege to be home and be called upon as a guest speaker on this august occasion. It has always been my greatest desire to promote the development of the community to acceptable standards. It has become a priority for me to develop Agbadzikope to become a model commercial town. The social center which is the subject of today’s gathering, when completed will serve its environs and other communities. It’s my desire to contribute significantly to see this project come to life. This project will bring a new light to the inhabitants Central Tongu, for that matter Volta Region. This project is in the direction of governmental policies which commence next year. Because your policy direction is in tandem with government policies, I would like to assure you that, the government will surely give you a first-class intervention. The government would supply all the needed materials for the completion of this project. My fellow brothers and sisters, the issue of this village has been discussed on numerous and notable occasions with prominent stakeholders. The timing of this project is correct and in line with the coming of the visionary leader, H.E John DramaniMahama. This project as we are about to launch is already on the tables of all those who have an interest. Ladies and gentlemen you will succeed, you have succeeded.

Your project which includes:

  • Public Health Education unit
  • Research Centre for Cultural, educational, and farming activities
  • Aged entertainment unit
  • Children’s playground
  • Creative and Artspace
  • Three Conference Halls to be named after some noble personalities
  • Sports facilities: Volleyball court,  football field and long tennis court
  • Supermarket (farmers market)
  • Environmental Protection Unit Services
  • Warehouse/Cold Store
  • 8 guest rooms
  • Public toilet
  • Community farms (fish pond, poultry, vegetable farm, cassava farm

My community members, we have come very far carefully studying your community policies, I am convinced that you are the first of a community coming out with this comprehensive policy in the Volta Region for that matter Ghana. I want to assure you that your project will come into fruition in a shorter space of time than expected. Chiefs, Elders, and the planning committee, I thank you very much as you join me to gracefully launch this one-of-a-kind project which is at the moment the biggest project in the Volta Region.

I declare it in the name of God, the incoming government, and the people of Ghana.

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