Royal Praise Preparatory School Elects Its School Prefects
In an exciting and momentous event at Royal Praise Preparatory School, students voted to select the new school prefects for the academic year, following thoughtful manifestos from the candidates.
The event began with an opening prayer led by the school chaplain, Mr. Kenneth King.
The election process was marked by enthusiastic participation, with students rallying behind their peers and showcasing their support for leadership candidates.
The election results were announced in a special assembly, where the newly elected prefects were introduced to their fellow students. These young leaders will now take on important responsibilities, including representing the student body, organizing school events, and contributing to a positive school environment.
The event was attended by Mensah Emmanuel the proprietor, the proprietress, the accountant Togbe, the headmaster Mr. Charles, and the staff of the Royal Praise School.
The proprietor of the School, Mr. Mensah Emmanuel, praised the democratic spirit of the election process, highlighting how it fosters a sense of responsibility and leadership among students.
He commended the candidates for their impressive display of skills during their manifesto presentations and particularly lauded the female candidates for outperforming their male counterparts.
“We are incredibly proud of how our students have embraced this opportunity to choose their leaders. It’s a wonderful example of our commitment to nurturing leadership and community involvement.”
Togbe also addressed the students, encouraging them to accept the election results positively, as this experience will help prepare them for future elections when they turn 18.
The newly appointed prefects are excited to begin their roles and make a positive impact on their school community. The school looks forward to their contributions and the fresh perspectives they will bring to Royal Praise Preparatory School.